You may cancel your registration and receive a full refund up until December 31, 2024. You may transfer your registration to someone else at any point up until the conference. It is your responsibility to find someone to whom you may transfer your registration. Late cancellations for reasons including family emergency or weather related travel delays/cancellations will be reviewed by the National Gathering registration team and may not necessarily result in a full or partial refund.
If you have registered attendees other than yourself, you are responsible for conveying registration/cancellation policies to each of them, and are agreeing to these policies on their behalf by checking the box below.
Anyone is welcome to attend the gathering, but please note that anyone who attends any part of the gathering including main sessions, breakouts, and meals MUST be officially registered, paid in full, and have a name badge. We do not prorate registrations.
Without exception, we are not able to offer Early Bird pricing after October 31.
If you need to cancel or transfer your registration, please email the National Gathering team at
[email protected].
Registration closes on January 17. If we are reaching capacity prior to January 17, we will communicate in advance via email that we will be closing registration and beginning a waiting list. If you need to register after this date, please email
[email protected] for access. The cost will be $375 after Jan 17.