
Attendee Information

  • Must be officially accepted to the ECO Ordination Process

  • (Presbytery Moderator, Vice Moderator, MPT Chair or Clerk)

  • Global guests include anyone who is not an ECO Pastor who have traveled from outside the United States.

  • (Current undergrad or Masters level only)

Pease indicate if you are requesting a vegetarian or GF meal. We will have options available only for those who pre-register for these special meals. If you do not indicate here that you need one, plan on enjoying our regular meal options.

Name Badge

Enter your name below exactly as you would like it to appear on your name badge. 

Ministry & Church Information

Breakout Session Options

Please select the breakout options are you most likely to attend. You are not locked into these selections, it is only to help us estimate breakout room sizes. Need to review the breakout options? Click here 


We invite you to join our pre-conference on Monday, January 29th, ahead of the main gathering. 

Pre-conferences provide an excellent platform to connect with others and explore a ministry area in greater depth. Pre-conferences run from 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST on Monday, January 29th.
View pre-conference options here.


Please see our schedule here to view more details about these add ons.

  • *Must be in Children/Family ministry to attend. Join us after your pre-conference for an evening of food, fun, fellowship, and bowling at Bowl & Barrel! You are responsible for your own transportation to and from this event. More details to come. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • *Must be officially accepted to the ECO Ordination Process to attend. Join us Monday night for an evening of food, fun, fellowship, and bowling at Bowl & Barrel! You are responsible for your own transportation to and from this event. More details to come. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • Wednesday, January 31 at 6:00 PM - Northeast Coast Presbytery Only


I'm aware that I need to arrange my own transportation to/from the airport, church, and hotel during the gathering.

Registration Terms & Conditions


You may cancel your registration and receive a full refund up until December 31, 2024. You may transfer your registration to someone else at any point up until the conference. It is your responsibility to find someone to whom you may transfer your registration. Late cancellations for reasons including family emergency or weather related travel delays/cancellations will be reviewed by the National Gathering registration team and may not necessarily result in a full or partial refund.

If you have registered attendees other than yourself, you are responsible for conveying registration/cancellation policies to each of them, and are agreeing to these policies on their behalf by checking the box below.

Anyone is welcome to attend the gathering, but please note that anyone who attends any part of the gathering including main sessions, breakouts, and meals MUST be officially registered, paid in full, and have a name badge. We do not prorate registrations.

Without exception, we are not able to offer Early Bird pricing after October 31.

If you need to cancel or transfer your registration, please email the National Gathering team at [email protected].

Registration closes on January 17. If we are reaching capacity prior to January 17, we will communicate in advance via email that we will be closing registration and beginning a waiting list. If you need to register after this date, please email [email protected] for access. The cost will be $375 after Jan 17.

Sponsor ECO Church Planters and ECO Ordination Candidates (Optional)

In the past 4 years, ECO has ordained 63 candidates & currently has 106 ordination candidates in progress. We are also blessed to have 34 official church planters and over 100 interested in planting with ECO. Financial constraints might prevent some from joining the National Gathering. Last year, 17 candidates attended due to generous contributions. This year we would like to support planters as well. Help more candidates and planters attend this year by contributing to their gathering registration. Support emerging ECO leaders and church planters today!

Suggested Amounts

Prayer Requests

What can we pray for you for in the next weeks and months? Anything you share will be kept in confidence & shared only with our ECO staff. We are honored to pray for you!



Registration Confirmation

Make sure as soon as you complete registration and click SUBMIT to check your email for a confirmation that will say "Registration Confirmation - 2025 ECO National Gathering" in the subject line. If you do not receive this email, your registration did NOT go through and you will need to resubmit it! If you are still unsure or have questions, please email [email protected] as soon as possible. Do not wait until January or until you arrive in Dallas to confirm that you are registered! Thank you!

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software